Verity Barclay

Having been born in Essex, attended school in Suffolk, and then University in Norfolk, Verity Barclay is an East Anglian to the core.  Given VBLF’s association with East Anglian art and artists, she was delighted to join the VBLF as a director in early 2020, and is enthusiastic to be part of the nurture and promotion of local artists, as well as cherishing and enhancing the current collection.   East Anglian landscapes in all media are of particular interest to her, and many examples, from professional and amateur artists, hang on her walls.

Verity’s interest in art history began as a teenager and she went on to study at UEA, specialising in 15th and 17th Century art, architecture and sculpture.  After graduating she fell, accidently, into a career in the City which culminated in her heading up a pan European department of a large multi asset broking firm.  After 25 years of the City, and daily commuting, she decided to change her life style and now works from home in a (very) part time capacity as a PA and administrator of a locally based educational trust.

Leaving London and moving back to her Essex roots was another pivotal point which enabled her to become involved in the local community of Coggeshall where she now lives with her husband. She is involved in various local organisations and charities.